Created by Virginia 13 years ago
We lost our Sweet Baby boy of 17 1/2 years on the night of May 22, 2010. He was riding his bicycle home and was struck by a car. That night, a chunk of our heart was ripped out. We are a mess, dont think we will ever get over it, in a deep depression. We have ALWAYS fought for our children. One of the things keeping us going now is fighting for Steven...We are fighting City Hall and Volusia County for streetlights and sidewalks on the street he was struck on (Steven was struck and died not even a mile from home, several fatal accidents on this street, but he the first pedestrian)...these would have saved his life. Not a week before Steven had told me he wished there were sidewalks to ride we are fighting for them...for Steven. So his gentle soul that loved children can now watch over them... Our son Steven Mills. If you met him, you were blessed, if you didn't have the pleasure to meet him, you really missed out. He had a special way of touching peoples lives, making his mark, an impact in a good way, and he didn't even try. Didn't even know. Steven was a very compassionate young man, was always compassionate. Huge heart. He always put other people first. Always the first to welcome new people at school. Was quick to make fun of himself to make other people relax and smile. He hated to see someone hurting or sad, and would do his best to bring a smile to your face. He didn't mind at all staying home on a Friday or Saturday night with his Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister. REALLY he didn't. Even at 17 he was quick to give us a hug and say I Love You whether his friends were around or not. Steven was FEARLESS. He scared the hell out of Mom and Dad. When he was in the single digits of his early childhood. The taller the tree, the better. The deeper and darker the woods, the better. The steeper and higher the hill, the better. Like we said, he was FEARLESS. Steven was VERY respectful. Yes Sir and Yes Ma'am were natural for him. Didn't matter if a parent of a friend, a stranger, or the 19 year old at Subway. Women and girls, TOTAL respect. Protective. Steven loved skateboarding, bicycling, fishing, his brother, sister, Mom and Dad. Family was big for him. Bicycling, he spent all his Christmas money this year on his bike, rode that thing EVERYWHERE. Orange City, DeBary, Gemini Springs, you name it. He was planning on a new skateboard. He would go off to the skate park with his skateboard on the handlebars of his bike...til his board broke. Steven was very unmaterialistic. As long as he had his skateboard, bike, hoodie, MP3, and Phone, he was happy. Steven LOVED Tacos. Steven loved to shout out “Taco Friday!” So much that he always wrote “Taco Friday” on his Converse shoes. Taco Bell commercials are hard to watch now. If we could have placed an order for a boy child and could pick all the qualities that we would want in that boy child, we would have gotten Steven. Another one of Steven's favorite things was GIRLS. Lord knows he knew plenty of them. And yes dated them. But he was very respectful. Never lasted long, they always were more friends, would break up, and be hanging out the next day, and talking for hours on the phone. That in itself is amazing. Steven was told by Mom and Dad that the pain of heartache was much greater than that of any physical pain. He was wise way beyond his age. He has an old soul. Steven valued life. Not only human life, but plant and animal life as well. Steven was (is) amazing. Steven's father really loved hanging out with him. When he would go to the store his Dad would say “Hey Road Dog want to ride with me?” And they would ride together listening to music. Steven was also always around the house, he would ask, “You going anywhere?” Didn't matter where, he just wanted to ride with us. Many times, I his Mom, would go uptown, and he'd ride, and we would plug in his MP3 and we'd listen and talk. Same with taking him to school in the mornings before heading off to work. Steven hated it when people made fun of other people. That truly hurt his feelings. We consider ourselves the luckiest people in the world because we got to spend 17 ½ years with an amazing, special, caring, kind, wise, all around AWESOME kid. We were and are blessed and honored to have him as our son. Our hearts are broken beyond repair. Our lives will never be the same. There is an emptiness that will never be filled. A sadness that will never go away. Everything is not going to be OK. How could it be? A part of our heart and soul are gone, never to be replaced. Our home has always been full of happiness and love, a close and loving family. Now, a piece is missing. We miss Steven more than words could ever come close to expressing. We feel as though we are at the bottom of a well. A DEEP and DARK well where sunlight cannot penetrate the darkness. We do not think that we will ever be able to climb out of, maybe, even worse, we are not sure we want to climb out. If I were to write everything about Steven that touched us, made him special not only to us, but to others, I believe we could write a book...what we have written is but the tip of the iceberg. ***Steven My Sweet Baby Boy...We miss you so much, LOVE you so much...can't wait to see you again...